- Cake/Breading Mix
- Select Par-Baked Applications
- Raw Dough Based Frozen Products (Pizza, Appetizer, Pot Pies)
- Bulk
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Food safety hazards are a constant for any ready-to-bake or ready-to-cook products. Even with best practices in place, there are scenarios where a consumer might mishandle and poorly prepare raw, uncooked flour-based products. From frozen pizzas to cake mixes, if cooking instructions are not properly followed, some of the most popular items can carry risk for your brand long after they leave your facilities.
BakeSafer™ Treatments help minimize the dangers associated with consumers under-baking, under-frying, unevenly microwaving or cross-contaminating ready-to-bake and ready-to-cook products — helping protect you from costly recalls. Our treatments can lower the level of pathogens in flour, reducing the risk of foodborne illness by a minimum of 90%, observed up to 99.9%.
Since our value-added refined wheat flour safety treatments do not include a heat treatment, the resulting flour can be easily swapped into your existing formulations, and you can keep your current processes in place. With BakeSafer™ Treatments, the reputation of your brand is in your hands — along with your desired product quality, performance, taste, appearance and smell.